UK tech sector still able to attract talent despite Brexit

Every tenth job-seeker in UK's technology industry is foreign. This is according to a new report by the job site Indeed, which adds that job seekers coming from outside the European Union are most interested in technology jobs in the country.

On the other hand, three in four most in-demand UK jobs, among high-skilled job-seekers, are in technology. SAP consultant, iOS developer, Android developer and Java developer are the jobs that are most in-demand today, with an average salary of £52,000.

India has more candidates for these positions than any other country, the report adds, saying that the country has become an 'IT superpower', which produces a large number of highly-skilled tech professionals.

The UK tech sector is becoming 'increasingly reliant' on the Indian manpower, it was added.

On the other hand, people from the European Union, that are looking for work in the UK, are more interested in skilled positions, but those that pay less – language teaching, international sales and translations. And it's this group of job seekers that might find end up looking elsewhere – to countries like Germany.

The UK has a law which says that non-EU citizens need to earn at least £30,000 a year in order to be eligible for a visa. After Brexit is complete, the same rules will most likely apply to EU citizens as well. And given that they're mostly interested in jobs that pay less, they might end up avoiding the UK altogether.

“Britain’s tech sector is a magnet for global talent. Its popularity among non-EU jobseekers could provide a valuable Brexit hedge, as the ability of non-Europeans to apply for work in Britain will be unaffected by the UK’s departure from the EU. That will provide some reassurance for Britain’s tech employers,” commented PawelAdrjan, economist at Indeed.

“However, the government’s plan to level the playing field for EU and non-EU workers seeking to come the UK after Brexit may interrupt the supply of Europeans looking for skilled but lower-paid jobs. A shortfall in European applicants for entry-level but specialist roles, especially language-based positions, is unlikely to be able to be filled by British applicants, with language learning in the UK continuing to decline. While initially problematic, this may result in significant pay rises in these sectors to enable European workers to meet any future salary threshold and remain eligible for a working visa.”

UK’s attraction for top talent even in the light of Brexit is really encouraging

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