Tier 2 General - Eligibility

  Further to our blog: https://www.mavisas.co.uk/news/2017/5/18/tier-2-general-the-basics 


This piece summarises the requirements and eligibility for those on a Tier 2 General Visa 

You must: 

  • have a certificate of sponsorship reference number 

  • have an ‘appropriate’ salary 

  • have the required level of English  

  • follow additional rules if you’re switching to this visa from a Tier 4 (General) visa 

  • have proof of £945 in savings, unless you’re exempt 

  • provide a criminal record certificate from any country you’ve lived in for 12 months or more in the last 10 years, if you’ll be working with vulnerable people 

Certificate of sponsorship 

A certificate of sponsorship is a reference number which holds information about the job and your personal details. It’s not an actual certificate or paper document. 

Your sponsor will give you your certificate of sponsorship reference number. 

They must also give you some other information to help you to apply, for example how much you’ll be paid. 

You’ll need to add your certificate of sponsorship reference number to your application form - you can only use it once. 

Your certificate of sponsorship is valid for 3 months from the date it’s assigned to you. 

Appropriate salary 

You’ll usually need to be paid at least £30,000 per year or the ‘appropriate rate’ for the job you’re offered - whichever is higher. Check the appropriate rate for the job you’ve been offered. 

Check the guidance for situations when you can be paid less - for example if: 

  • your certificate of sponsorship was assigned to you before 24 November 2016 

  • you’ll work as a medical radiographer, nurse, paramedic or secondary school teacher in some subjects 

  • you’ll work as a pre-registration nurse or midwife 


You must have £945 in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself. 

You won’t need savings if you have both a: 


For more information regarding sponsorship and especially if you are an IT Professional do get in touch at consult@mavisas.co.uk or 07376290621. 

Thank you for reading 

Mason Alexander